Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Robotics Team

This year I was on the robotics team at my school, Team 1710. I was on the video team so during build season I helped create our weekly update videos along with other import videos for our team. Meg Vonfelt, Markus Bacerra, and Jackson Crowdler we're also on the video team with me.They taught me everything i needed to know to work along side them. Here is the first and last episodes of our weekly update videos and feel free to check out our youtube page located here

Updated Website

Quarter 3 Team Projects

Our team name and product was called Pocket Chargers.
We were good at communication among ourselves about if we'd be gone and what needed to be completed and by when. We sometime struggled with staying cool headed and putting in total effort. If we were to do this again I would probably try to come in more to finish up our stuff and rehearse our presentation more. I would also hope we'd be given more of an idea or started when coming up with our projects. I've defiantly improved with working with others and in groups. Check out our team video that i created here.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Sketch Up House Project

For this project we were asked to create houses in sketch up using blue prints. I decided to base my house off of a designed called the Oakdale House, which was two stories. I made all of the items portioning to the house and imported art for the plants, car, and pool.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

SketchUp Projects

We worked in sketch up to create these 3D images. Our first assignment was to make chairs and a table and place it in room setting. Our second assignment was to make a simple dog house. I went a bit over board.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

For this animation in photoshop we used the video timeline instead of frame-by-frame. This way of animating is different because instead of adding in all the frames one by one where you want them, you put in a starting and ending point and the computer fills in the rest. I really liked this way of animation because it was a lot easier and not as time consuming, but at the same time it isn't also the way you it and with frame by frame you can add more detail.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Name Bouncing Ball

In this second project we extended what we did with with first assignment by adding more bounces to the sequence. I realize that my spacing and timing turned out slightly odd in this animation and i can easily see that as something i'll need to work on in this class. We also talked about ease in and ease out with this assignment.
