Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What graphic design is to me

Graphic design is involved in my life in a million different ways, but the place I focus on it most is in comic books. Comic books are not only telling a story but also are explaining it in mostly just colors and shapes. It has also opened up so many new possibilities for art by creating these complex characters. They move people with emotion and inspire others with beauty.



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Professional Article Review Guidelines

In this article the writer, Natasha Singer addresses the problem of social media post and how they can effect your chances of getting onto a college. She states that 31% of colleges admissions officers look at possible candidates social media accounts, and its on the rise. As this becomes more popular, theres a great debate on if colleges should be allowed to do this.

As a high school student hoping to attend a college, the thought that posts i've made in the past or someone else has posted tagging me, can effect my chances of getting into my university of choice its quite scary. Also the thought that they could possibly mistake someone else's account for mine or read a untrue rumor and base their decision on something i didn't do or couldn't help is also very worrisome.

Also the fact that some kids will create two Facebook accounts confuses me. Whats the point of posting something on a site your family and possible implores are on if you are worried about them seeing it. Plus, no account will stay secret for long,  as soon as you post your face on it, its only a matter of time.

Though i've never done it, it urges me even more to remember to never share anything scandalous or inconsiderate on social media. Growing up with the internet in my life i have to be extra careful to keep my personal information private and things like this just urge me more.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Psycho Girlfriend Chase

The scope of my video was that a crazy girlfriend had spotted her a girl flirting with her boyfriend  and chase and attacked her but couldn't stay mad once seeing him and was just still happy she had him even though she's kind of insane. The process in which we made this video was first we brainstormed the plot and shots we wanted. After we decided on them we went out and filmed what we needed. Then we imported our stuff onto the computers and started editing, cutting shots and adding in music. After we completed our videos we posted them onto the internet. While working on this I learned how to cut music and how to line it up with the shots so it's not as obvious. Also I learned that if you're in the director role when filming it's better to be bossy and get the shots you want than to be shy and regret it later. If I was to redo this project I would probably cut my clips shorted so it'd be a tighter and faster paced video, also I would want more of the same shots but from different angles. Things I would keep the same would be my music and the plot line because I really enjoyed our different idea and how well the music fit with the shots. In my next projects I will hopefully choose an idea very out of the box like this one was for us because I know I'm capable of coming up with them and I will most defiantly not be shy to get the shots I want and  I will focus on getting more angles. All around I feel like me and my partner did a good job and I'm very happy with how all my videos turned out, especially because I joined this program with very little video production knowledge and now I feel much more experienced and comfortable with it.