Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Professional Article Review Guidelines

In this article the writer, Natasha Singer addresses the problem of social media post and how they can effect your chances of getting onto a college. She states that 31% of colleges admissions officers look at possible candidates social media accounts, and its on the rise. As this becomes more popular, theres a great debate on if colleges should be allowed to do this.

As a high school student hoping to attend a college, the thought that posts i've made in the past or someone else has posted tagging me, can effect my chances of getting into my university of choice its quite scary. Also the thought that they could possibly mistake someone else's account for mine or read a untrue rumor and base their decision on something i didn't do or couldn't help is also very worrisome.

Also the fact that some kids will create two Facebook accounts confuses me. Whats the point of posting something on a site your family and possible implores are on if you are worried about them seeing it. Plus, no account will stay secret for long,  as soon as you post your face on it, its only a matter of time.

Though i've never done it, it urges me even more to remember to never share anything scandalous or inconsiderate on social media. Growing up with the internet in my life i have to be extra careful to keep my personal information private and things like this just urge me more.

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