Monday, November 16, 2015

Personality Quiz. What is ENFP?

 My Personality Test

            My personality type is ENFP, which stands for Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceive. This group feels motivated by being with others, focuses on the big picture at the end of a project, value personal feelings over logical decisions and lastly prefers to keep their opinions open. Some specific characteristics of ENFPs are they’re charming, risk-takers, observant, spontaneous, and independent.  Famous celebrities that share these traits are Will Smith, Robin Williams, Walt Disney, and Ann Frank. Followed by some fictional characters that include Arial from The Little Mermaid, Steve Urkel, and Will from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aif.
I believe this personality type mostly fits me, especially with the out going, extrovert part, and open, perceive part. I’m a very energetic person and there’s no doubt in the word that I would love to be out with a group of people than inside all day reading a book. I also try my hardest to keep an open mind and listen very closely when someone is telling me his or her personal view on something. I really enjoy input from others and sometimes I even change my thoughts based on their reason. On the other hand though I would have to disagree some with the feeling part of ENFP. Yes, like every human, my emotion sometimes gets in the way of my decisions but I work really hard to try and understand the logical and rational side of things. Although, I may not completely agree with these traits, I feel like they give me a much better understanding of myself, showing me things that I couldn’t really see about myself from a first persons perspective. Also I feel more comfortable knowing more about ENFP so when I work with others I can contribute more.

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